Sunday, September 6, 2009

On Matters of Health and Healing by Mu Shemsu-t

When I was 29 years old I had already completed a series of emotional recovery periods in my life and had come to the conclusion that many of us need serious assistance to get to a place in life where we can feel ourselves safe and on solid ground.  After coming to this realization I begin to look around to see what was actually available to African-Americans who had come from my neck of the woods, which is the southside of Chicago, where statistically we were considered to be one of the most impoverished communities in the United States.  When I observed that there was very little available to support people in their emotional and psychological recovery, I asked God to please show me how I can heal myself, inexpensively, and then demonstrate to others how they can do the same.  In a very short period of time so much was revealed to me and much of it came through books.  In this blog conversation I would like to share with you ways in which I have been able to heal some of the most damaging issues in my physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual energy fields.  I am also mindful that I am still healing it’s just that now I have the tools, technology and methodology in place so I don’t have to work as hard as I did in the earlier years.  I share this with you in the intention that you can use it for your own personal growth and development and then pass it on to others as you become proficient in the overstanding of healing processes in your own life.


The Methodologies


Study, Solitude and Prayer – The Universe has always responded to my request to know something or to reveal something to me through books – and now also, music, movies and videos.  It has become a spiritual practice of mine to ask spirit each night before I go to sleep to, “tell me what it is I need to know right now.”  This is a courageous approach and very strengthening because I had to work through whatever it was that was revealed to me whether I liked it or not.  And most of the time I didn’t like it.  However, on those days when I would walk into a bookstore and browse the spiritual/psychology/self-help section, the very book I needed to get through whatever I was going through would seem to “jump” right out at me. 

This took me into long periods of reading, studying and prayer.  In my world it didn’t do much good to read something if I didn’t use it or apply it to my living.  So the prayer portion assisted me with the assimilation process.  I learned to “Pray My Way Through It” (this is the title of a book by Dr. Joseph Murphy and it discusses the metaphysical truth behind the 23rd Psalms).


All Time Favorite Book Titles

    • The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murpy – I read this the first time when I was 17 yrs old and recovering from a broken hip, thigh and knee.


    • Your Inner Child of the Past by Dr. Hugh Vissildine – Read this when I was 23 and trying to figure out my neurotic behavior with men.


    • The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield – Read this when I was looking to find out how spirituality was different from going to church every Sunday.


    • Heal Your Body by Louise Hay – Read this when I was recovery from a bought with Cancer in my late 20’s.


    • Magical Mind, Magical Body by Deepak Chopra – Read this in my late 20’s as well when I began looking for the connection between spiritual/emotional health and our physical well-being.


MARV Technique™ – When I begin to look for ways to share spiritual truth with my children, my then 15 yr old son and I were able to develop a curriculum that enabled me to take the information that I had learned and applied to my own life, to a level of sharing it with younger people so they could engage in the “enlightenment” process a lot sooner than I did. 


MARV is the acronym for Meditation, Affirmation, Relaxation and Visualization.  We created a process whereby we assisted our young people in creating goals for their future that spanned from 3 months to 5 yrs.  We then developed the affirmations and visualizations associated with these goals and taught them relaxation and breathing techniques that allowed them to learn how to send energy through their physical body into ether.  It was a phenomenal 2 yr process that we did this.  We would meet once a week in my home for a couple of hours with teen-agers and their parents all over the living room, dining room and staircase, all meditating together being guided with the sound of my voice.


And now, almost 20 yrs later we see the outcome and have now created it as a system that we can use and share with all young people through our Student Visualization Audio Systems by Mu Shemsu-t.


Landmark Education Corporation – By the time we discovered Landmark Education Corporation, I had read so many self-help books and attended so many workshops and seminars to change myself that I had my doubts about doing yet another course. However, the Landmark Forum gave me access to know how to connect all the dots.  I was able to see how my thoughts from the past were blocking my relationships with God, my family and with myself. 


In these courses I have also learned to appreciate the ongoing processes of growth and development.  There is no need to fix anything about me; it has become a journey of self-discovery and refinement.  I highly recommend everyone to complete the Curriculum for Living offered through this company.  I had each one of my children attend the Landmark Forum when they were in their early teens and I was able to let go of parenting and move on into the direction of sharing my own gifts and talents with life.  Yes, it really is that valuable of a course.  For more information go to


Nutrition, Herbs and Exercise – The process that I went through to heal my body when they found a dark spot on my uterus and wanted to operate, was the beginning for me getting serious about the management and maintenance of my health.  At the time I was able to convince the doctor to allow me 6 weeks to heal myself before they did the surgery, he was reluctant, and I was quite persuasive. 


I went on a complete raw diet and protein shakes for that 6-week period of time.  I kept to my daily 4-mile jog at 5:30 in morning as well.  I used the Louise Hay book to identity the emotional and psychological ramifications of my illness, and then recited the affirmations until the core of my being believed what I was saying.  I used the MARV technique to quiet my mind and emotions. The visualization process was instrumental in helping me to create and see the desired outcome.  By the time I went in for the surgery they didn’t find anything.


These are the basic tools there are so many others that we incorporate such as Chinese Medicine, Homeopathic Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies and Yoga. I no longer jog, however I do walk at least 2 miles 3 – 4 days a week.  I can’t say enough about how fortunate we are to have access to so much information and at a time when it’s so crucial to our daily well-being.  In our household we don’t have a conversation about health care insurance because we provide our own health care and preventative measures on a day-to-day basis.  We have also noticed the trend that for those that have insurance and health benefits the doctors are always finding something wrong or something that requires surgery right now.  I have observed the healing capabilities of the body and I know that God has already given us the Divine hookup.  We have to stop being lazy and ignorant about taking care of our temple.


For those of you interested in receiving regular information about maintaining optimal health through the regulation of your spiritual and emotional well being, sign up for our newsletter, “In the Flow with Mu Shemsu-t” at  You can purchase books, cds and our online courses from this website as well.


May you become a vessel of love and inspiration your God intended you to be!


Thank you for reading my blog.


Love, Peace, Joy and Light!

~~ Mu Shemsu-t

Monday, August 31, 2009

Attributes of Leadership

Adapted from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Some people are born with external qualities to be considered a natural leader such as charisma, magnetism, charm and beauty. For the most part it tends to work out if they can find tutelage or mentoring with someone to assist them with developing the more intricate qualities and values that would have them become successful with managing large groups and projects. In this blog we will discuss the “Attributes of Leadership” that Napoleon Hill listed in his book Think and Grow Rich.

The comments for each characteristic he has listed are from my own life adventures. Much of my experience in the role of leader began as an accident while I was in high school. One day the head lunch lady told me that I should start a petition to have Free Breakfast started at our high school. I had no idea what she was talking about, and I said, “okay”. So I created a petition and had the students and teachers sign it and then returned to her a few days several pages of signatures. She was so delighted. From that day forward she would tell people, “If you want to get something done, give it to Rita.” Subsequently, I led walk-outs, sit-ins, demonstrations, protest of all kind. This pattern continued through college even though it was a predominately white campus. I share that with you just to give you a general overview of my exposure to leadership opportunities. Okay, enough about me. Let’s discuss the Attributes of Leadership according to Napoleon Hill:

1. Unwavering courage based upon knowledge of self - Our strongest insights come from knowing our own limitations and strength. This way we can put the team around us that can support the outcomes even when we can’t do it ourselves.

2. Self-Control - This is an ego matter. Sometimes our magnetism and charisma attract quite a few distractions and tend to alter our focus and intention. Having self control is a maturing element that requires intentionality and discipline to acquire. Once you have developed this, you will attract the most amazingly beautiful and sensual people you could imagine and what you would be present to is the energy they bring to your life. And you would not want to do anything to interrupt the contribution they naturally are.

3. A Keen Sense of Justice – Do you have the compassion and the ability to be circumspect and objective? This is a tough one for many of us because we either want to “rescue” others or take “selfish-care” of our own issues. To harness this quality I suggest prayer and meditation so that you can objectively sense the Universal privilege of who you are for others and with others.

4. Definiteness of Decisions – Every decision is both a good and bad decision the point here is to make the decision and move forward on working it out. Most people make decisions and then doubt themselves the entire time which in term destroys the outcome. Always seek to move in the direction you are going instead of questioning after the fact. Make the decision and stick to it.

5. Definiteness of Plans – There is work involved with this one. Most of us miss our opportunities because we don’t want to work out the details, the strategy or develop the idea. We think that the gift is the idea and then talk about it hoping that someone else will help us work it out. When the idea comes to you, the gift is developing yourself to the point of its fulfillment. Going through the ups and downs, ebb and flow and all the pain associated with growth, expansion and achievement.

6. A Habit of Doing More Than Paid for – This is a crucial element. Most people limit themselves in how they contribute because they want to withhold themselves based on the price that someone is paying for their time and labor. Opportunity is always present for us to share our gifts, talents and skills. When we look at our employer and say, “you didn’t hire me to do that”, we are saying loud and clear, “I am not a team player”. When we share our creativity that expansion alone opens the way for the Universe to give us more opportunities and more gifts. Always look to give, without seeking anything in return. You cannot out give the Creator.

7. A Pleasing Personality – How do you make people feel when they are around you? I have walked away from a number of business contracts and business partners because all they can see and comment on is the negative. Some how we have gotten into our mind that it is okay to put negative vibration into the space and then expect something positive to come through it. Pay attention to how you leave people when you are with them. This will be a sure indicator as to whether your personality is pleasing or not. This is one of the easiest characteristics to change if you ask me.

8. Sympathy and Understanding – Compassion as a leader is key because it allows you to hear where people are right in the moment. Some of us want to force the outcome and not accept what is going on in the midst of the chaos. When we can put ourselves in other people’s shoes and get a sense of how they walk through life it becomes easier for them to follow us anywhere because they know we have their heart in the matter. When we lack compassion, we also limit our view.

9. Mastery of Detail – Can’t see the trees because of the forest? I have heard over and over again that, “the devil is in the details”. As a Project Manager in the Technology industry I became very accustomed at looking at all the separate pieces and seeing how things fit together. A tedious process indeed and yet the overall success came from being able to break it all down to the simplest detail and build from there. This skill is high level and it can be mastered. However, you must be willing to work alone and quietly to get it handled in the right manner.

10. Willingness to Assume Full Responsibility – As self-explanatory as this sounds many of us look for excuses to bail us out If only this or that would have happened, and it didn’t happen because we didn’t make it happen. Having the ability to respond to the challenge before us is what has us be responsible. Most people take the blame; this is not the same as taking full responsibility. Make it happen!

11. Cooperation – In our society we have become conditioned to believe that cooperating is a form of surrender or a passive stance. When we cooperate we are putting forward our effort and genius to create the outcomes we are committed to see happen. Learning to cooperate with others and having the ability to create a team of people that are cooperating with each other is a true measure of great leadership.

These are the points that were brought out by Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich. I highly recommend reading this book if you are interested in pursuing a life of wealth and freedom.

If you require any assistance integrating any of these concepts into your personal style of leadership and/or development, send me an email to You can also find a list of workshop, seminars and teleconferences for personal growth and development at

Thank you for reading my blog! Love and Light!

~~ Mu Shemsu-t

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why Meditate?

It's the end of another busy day at work and there is still so much to do. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your busy schedule? Are you totally bombarded by the responsibilities of your life? Are your stress levels causing you to over eat, drink or not sleep? If you have been trying to find solutions to balance your energy and center your emotions, then I suggest that meditation would make an amazing difference in your life.

Try this, exhale the air from your lungs. Now slowly breathe in through your nose allowing the air to fill your stomach before it moves up to your lungs and chest. Then slowly exhale allowing your stomach to slightly push the air out of your stomach at the end of your breath. Okay one more time, and with your eyes closed.

You can immediately fill the calmness as it slows down your thoughts, your heartbeat and the parasympathetic nervous system. When you practice this method of stillness for at least 10 minutes in the morning, you will be amazed at the level of clarity you will achieve. Add another 10 minutes to your afternoon, evening and bedtime routine and you will never have to deal with being overwhelmed by stress again.

When I am working with my Life Coach clients, we begin and end our sessions with an exercise similar to the one I've outlined above. Many of them continue to use this practice in their daily lives and have found it to be invaluable. It's free and easy to use anytime you choose. 

Statistics on people who meditate have shown they become less stressed and calmer. Statistics on people who meditate in groups have even shown the crime rate in that particular area drop significantly. There are statistics on everything related to meditation. There are so many different statistics on meditation and statistics on people who meditate because meditation in one form or another has been around for thousands of years.

Many doctors have studied the statistics on people who meditate and now prescribe meditation for their patients. These patients have reported more energy, higher productivity and more patience. Business owners have reported that among employees, who meditate, absenteeism is lower, production is higher, and the quality of their work is better thus proving the statistics on people who meditate are right.

A Detroit based chemical plant posted the following results three years after implementing meditation:

• Absenteeism fell by 85%
• Productivity rose 120%
• Injuries dropped 70%
• Profits increased 520%

According to reports, there have been over 1500 separate studies since 1930. All were related to meditation and its effects on the practitioners. Some statistics on people who meditate include results like:

• Heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and oxygen consumption are all decreased.

• Meditators are less anxious and nervous.

• Meditators were more independent and self-confident

• People who deliberated daily were less fearful of death.

• 75% of insomniacs who started a daily meditation program were able to fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed.

• Production of the stress hormone Cortisol is greatly decreased, thus making it possible for those people to deal with stress better when it occurs.

• Women with PMS showed symptom improvements after 5 months of steady daily rumination and reflection.

• Thickness of the artery walls decreased which effectively lowers the risk of heart attack or stroke by 8% to 15%.

• Relaxation therapy was helpful in chronic pain patients.

• 60% of anxiety prone people showed marked improvements in anxiety levels after 6-9 months.

It has been documented that people who use meditation and relaxation techniques may be physiologically younger by 12 to 15 years; could this possibly be the Fountain of Youth? While there are probably many other studies to look at, I believe that the results reported above are clear. Meditation, relaxation, reflection and deliberation can affect the physical body in a positive way just as stress and other factors affect the body in a negative one. In either case science and the statistics on people who meditate, has confirmed the positive effects of meditation beyond a shadow of a doubt. If you'd like more support with creating a meditation practice for yourself or your children you can order our Wealth Manifestation Audio Program or “I am Jams”, a student affirmation dance rhythm, from our website We've incorporate beautiful melodic mantras that will have you humming all day long. 

You are also welcome to join us on our bi-monthly Moon Cycle Tele-Meditation which takes place at the New Moon and Full Moon of each month. For more information visit
 or call 773-969-6211.

Thank you for reading my blog. May you enjoy the beauty of your life today!

Blessings and Light,

Mu Shemsu-t

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Those eViL pEoPle

Growing up in a household of females where each one of them had issues of self-esteem, money troubles, man problems and PMS, being the youngest, I received more than my share of grief and abuse. As a matter of fact in my twenties when I began doing work to heal my soul from the trauma of my childhood, every memory I had reminded me that no one loved me. I searched long and hard for just one clue that I was cared for, and it did not exist within my family circle. At the age of 28 I ran across a book by M. Scott Peck called, The People of The Lie: The Healing of Human Evil.

The People of The Lie, discussed the phenomenon of evil from the position of psychiatric medicine, since Dr. Peck himself was a psychotherapist by trade. He pointed out in his work that evil people have a tendency to be lazy by nature. They refuse to do anything that is outside of what they are already doing for themselves. The official definition he gives for evil is the “unwillingness to extent one’s Self for the benefit of another person”. Can you already see who the main victims are for evil people? Of course, it would be those who are unable to take care of themselves. In our society, that would be children, animals and some elderly persons.

Do you ever notice parents have children an make strong attempts to have them conform to their lifestyle, their plans, their agenda, and their thinking? Yet, as soon as the child is old enough to challenge these directions they become a burden (this usually happens around the age of 2). Many parents are unwilling to allow children to expand the parent’s capacity to nurture, love and serve. Usually parents don’t think about serving the child. If only we could see the honor attached to serving a young body, whose spirit has returned to Earth to continue on a mission they were unable to a complete during a previous lifetime. Imagine the love we would find in ourselves if we allowed our own hearts to expand in the exposure of new ideas, adventures and imaginary happenings. So we narrow our participation to work, discipline and providing for the material necessities in life.

Now I am not saying that parents should not be concerned with making sure the material comforts of living are provided. However, it has been my observation that we have been so consumed with our material existence, that we don’t bother with the spiritual and emotional nurturing of ourselves; and for sure not fpr our children. I find it somewhat a lost opportunity for bonding when young babies have to be put into childcare that is not the parent, grandparent or other loving family members. I have a concern about this because evil people tend to lurk around those who are easy to abuse and dominate. The only intention of evil people is to put the light out, damper the spirit of those that are too happy and joyful in life.

Dr. Peck says in his book, that evil people do not want to be shown their own darkness or the constricted places in their heart, therefore they work to dominate and control those individual’s whose light shine on their evil ways. And the only way we can assist individuals in this mindset is to love them. Imagine that, love is the healing anecdote for evil people. When I got to that part of the book I was able to realize that the evil encounters I had experienced in life had actually taught me how to love and be more loving. It took several more years before I was clear about how to love my Self. However, I have also been able to see that both evil and loving people are attracted to the light. So if you are a spiritually conscious person, be mindful that you will attract evil people and it may seem like they are trying to destroy you, and it isn’t personal. This is their way of being. They don’t know any other way to live their life; this is what they have been taught and what they currently know. So if you allow them the opportunity to be in your space and see how you operate, they actually have a chance to learn more about living spiritually.

Anytime a person tell me they believe in God, I can see the degree to which they operate in that belief by how they love and be loved by others. God, spiritual essence, is all about love and nothing else. So to be evil to someone because they were evil to you, is not a loving way to be, nor is it healthy for you. If you don’t have the capacity to be around such people I suggest that you stay clear away from them. As a matter of reference, studies have noted that negative people have far more influence on positive people than positive people have on negative people.

Before I end this blog, let me be responsible in saying that everyone that has a negative attitude or a negative disposition is not necessarily evil. There are clear factors that demonstrate evil tendencies – (1) Laziness (2) Unwillingness to extend one’s self for the benefit of another (3) Selfishness (4) Pretence – which is why they are called “people of the lie.”

If you are experiencing issues with evil in your own life let me suggest that you read The People of The Lie, and then send me an email so that I can assist you in processing this information for your own spiritual development. We are not here to change others we can only change ourselves. Subsequently, if we want to make a difference in the life of others, we are to be the example of love.

Thank you for reading my blog and I look forward to our expansion and an increase in our flow.


~~ Mu Shemsu-t

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vibration is "The Secret"

According to Esther Hicks in her book, Money and The Law of Attraction, “You remembered that the basis of everything is vibration and that the Law of Attraction responds to those vibrations and, in essence, organizes them, bringing things of like vibrations together while holding those not of like vibrations apart.” 


Ms. Hicks goes on to say that you are guided by your emotions, which tell you whether your vibrations are “good” or “bad”.  Many of us have the understanding that if we keep our thoughts positive this will attract positive outcomes to us.  However, we have been trained to keep our mind disconnected from our heart (feelings), so even when we are affirming positive thoughts our feelings don’t always correspond in our body with positive vibrations.


Think about it.  Have there ever been times when you were standing talking with someone, smiling, laughing with them and as soon as they walked away, you felt a sense of ease and lightness?  Or, how about you go to a job that you hate everyday, pretend that you like it when your boss is around, and as soon as you walk out the door you feel relieved?  It is extremely difficult to manifest well-being in either of these scenarios, not to mention the lack of intention and creativity that is not available for generating wealth.  The Universe knows when you are pretending this is why integrity becomes a key role in creating amazing outcomes in your life. Vibration, the energy and aura that emanates from your physicality is what determines the manifestations you will experience in your life.  You cannot fake this one.


Now, you can easily change your vibration by consciously breathing bringing oxygen into your solar plexus, which automatically eases the habitual thinking patterns that are flowing through your mind.  When you slow down your thoughts you can then create a different set of statements that can work to move your energy into one that is loving, peaceful and joyful.  Once you are in a more loving state of vibration you can then begin to manifest the experience and life style you desire and deserve.


In my coaching practice I use the MARV Technique ™ to assist my clients in being aware of and maintaining the wealth vibration™ they which to create for themselves.  With these processes we explore meditation, affirmations, relaxation and visualization as tools to use for increasing their vibrational well-being.  We have also created the Wealth Manifestation Vibration™ Audio Program that has been quite useful in assisting customers in the use of affirmations and mantras to change their energy flow. 


As you read the completion of this blog, notice your breathing, make a conscious connection to the inhalation and exhalation of your breath.  Bring awareness to your body and take notice of any area you need to bring relaxation to.  Allow yourself to use the following affirmations to release any worry or concern you may have in this moment.  “I relax and I allow the Universe to nurture and take care of me.”  For those of you with religious affiliations you can replace the word “Universe” with the appropriate context for your belief.  Repeat this statement until you can feel yourself trusting that all is well in your world, no matter how it looks on the outside.  Notice that your vibration changes.


For further assistance in the reprogramming or your habitual thoughts and to increase your wealth vibration I recommend the following books and products:


Patiently Waiting for Nothing by Mu Shemsu-t

The Wealth Manifestation Vibration™ Audio System by Mu Shemsu-t

Money and The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy


For personal coaching, workshops, seminars and FREE ebooks please visit


Thank you for reading my blog!


Love & Light ~~ Mu Shemsu-t

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Yin and Yang of it!

It is Friday afternoon and we are in the midst of a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn that signaled its energy to us on July 7, 2009.  The affects of this Universal spray of enlightenment has each of us making changes in our life where normally we would sit still and await tragedy to get us to move.  The evolutionary changes we have available to us during this lunar cycle have to do with the awakening and balancing of our yin (female) energy.


As women we have caused a great deal of damage to our female organs by attempting to engage life in the same fashion that men do.  We have developed competitive spirits, aggressive behaviors and even violent approaches to life just to prove that we are equal to men.  The sad part about this is that there is nothing that we have to prove.  We are equal to our brothers and it’s not because we are just as physically strong as they are.  We are equal based on our capacity to bring balance to life through our spiritual essence.  This is what each of us must learn to do whether male or female.  We must each learn to accept, nurture and support the yin/yang energy that is housed in the spiritual, psychical and emotional realm of our being.


You may already think that I have gone off in left field someplace because how could such a notion exist, especially if you consider yourself a man’s man?  However, consider that your sensitivities, your feeling nature has been suppressed in an effort to keep you fully engaged in the “American” heritage of the “patriarchal” dream of world domination that our European counterparts tend to dwell on.  In this effort you have been trained to squash and diminish the women in your life right along with the yin qualities that she brings to your awareness.


It breaks my heart every time I see a young brother tell his 2 and 3-year-old son to not cry, hush, suck it up, and be a man.  It’s crazy to think that a child of this age is being trained to shut down the only mechanism it has to feeling and intuitive living.  It is no wonder that so many of our young men are angry, violent and rebellious; they have been convinced to shut down almost 50% of who they are.  The central opportunity of education needs to be about teaching our youth how to balance their yin/yang energy.  This type of education would them how to overstand, use and tap into their spiritual essence through their emotions. (For those of you interested I have already written such a program.)


This same scenario is witnessed in young women who are trained to undermine their own intelligence so that they are able to find a husband or a man that will provide for their financial well-being.  At an early age we have been trained to focus on the treasure between our legs as a commodity – sell it at a high premium or you will be doomed the rest of your life.  How sad we haven’t been taught that being smart is just as valuable, or even more valuable than being pretty.  And, that if you are pretty, you may as well be just as smart.


Being a whole person -- overstanding ourselves from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual quadrants will have us experience life from a peaceful and abundant space.  As men and women who have been blessed to harvest melatonin substance in our being, it is time for us to awaken to the possibilities of our greatness and our divine connection to source.  There is a vastness of energy and stuff inside us that is so rich and profound, that entire generations of people have spent their whole life trying to make sure you don’t look inside yourself and find your truth.


Just when you thought church was designed to get you closer to god, we find that it is designed to have you confused about who god is and where that divine energy can be found.  If you have not checked out this conversation yet, I dare you to visit  You have to be ready to “wake up” when you start investigating this path of knowledge – the truth isn’t for the faint of heart.  And, the truth will set you free.


As women our natural capacity is to house and nurture the essence of yin. Which is demonstrated through nurture, intuition, beauty, etc.  However, yang energy is available in us as well, to assure we have the capacity to protect, take care of and feed ourselves should we need to.  And as men, the natural capacity of yang is their essence, yet yin energy is available to them to make sure they nurture, surrender and are sensitive to all the elements of nature that need to be protected and cared for by them -- including themselves.  All the work we need to do for our growth and development is inside of us longing to be noticed and dying to provide us with a life that is joyous, free and abundant.


I request that each of us stop moving for at last 17 minutes and shift our focus to our breath.  See if you can hear a silent, peaceful rhythm in your soul connecting to you and welcoming your attention.  Have your vibration become peaceful and serene in this process.  Allow your essence to flow from you into the ethers so that your spiritual swagger can affect all that is near you.  Just breathe and vibrate the essence of divine light, peace, joy and abundance.  In this space we will attract our highest good on all planes.  Our perfect mate will miraculously appear; the perfect opportunity will provide a stream of wealth and abundance; the natural urge to release anger and resentment will give way to healing unmatched by any doctor or external medicines.  The ability to conjure up this essence is your yin force and it is available to each of us - male and female alike.


When we learn to appreciate ourselves as one with nature, we will do just as our ancestors did – worship the sun and surrender to the flow of life in the same capacity that all of nature does.  We will see that there is yin and yang in everything and we as human beings are no exception to the process.  We will manifest in the same abundant fashion that nature does with little to no effort.  

“I am willing to grow and to change.”


Thank you for reading my blog.


Mu Shemsu-t

July 12, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Gift of Children

I turned 50 years old a year ago it was only then that one of my site mates on the Internet said that I sounded like I was an Indigo.  An Indigo, who, me? You may be asking, what is an Indigo? Indigo children is a concept developed by Nancy Anne Tappe describing children who are alleged to possess special traits or abilities.  I studied the literature regarding indigo children for the past five years in conjunction with the care and nurturing of my own children and the others around me looking to overstand what was unique and different about them.  For someone to tell me that I was an indigo was quite interesting.  When I started to examine my own characteristics I was amazed, surprised and quite delighted.  As a child I was always considered unusual.  For instance, some mornings when I would wake up, my grandmother would ask me what I dreamed about.  I would tell her whatever it was I dreamed about.  I came to find out later that she would use that information and pick a horse or play a number in the “policy”; often she would win.  As I think about it now, I stopped sharing my dreams with her when I decided that gambling was wrong. (Hmmm… This may explain why my relationship with my grandmother was in such turmoil when I was a teenager).


Indigo children came into my view about 10 years ago when I begin studying the methods by which they decided a child was ADD or ADHD.  It is appalling to me that we were using medication to change the mental and emotional state of children.  Some studies have proven that most of the behavior problems children face are caused by poor choices in nutrition.  Sugar, White Flour, MSG, Aspartame and Salt are a few of the main culprits that cause chemical changes in our children and grossly affect their mental and emotional behavior.  Most doctors have yet to study how nutrition affects the body, so their best guess is to give the child a pill to counter whatever psychosis they think is going on.  The truth is their pills create the psychosis; they don’t heal anything.


New Earth Children first arrived in 1978, twenty years after I got here.  I didn’t grow up knowing anything about love, acceptance, nurturing, self-esteem or even support.  Years later someone told me that I was taken care of by guardian angels so it wasn’t intended for me to have parents.  It was more important that I learned how to live boldly in an unsafe world so I could show others how to be free no matter what path of life they’re on.  I can see that quite clearly now.  As tragic as my life may have seemed as a child, I am amazed that if I had to choose a path to take I would still take the same road that got me here.


Children come as little gifts with messages from the Masters.  They came from the other side of life to share with us the secrets that we are missing as we look to accomplish our own life missions here on Earth.  New Earth Children have come to help us find peace, love and joy in our living.  All of the violence we are confronted with in our community is a direct reflection of our own belief in violence and how we spend time killing off life instead of creating it.  The young suicides are a direct communication that these young souls are not here to appease us and make nice.  They are here to be our teachers, our guides; they are here to provide instruction and direction to our wandering.  They are here to redirect our attention from the outside of ourselves back to the inside essence of spiritual journeying.  We have to remember to flow in their world and not try to condition them to ours.


On Children

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,

Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them,

But seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children


As living arrows are sent forth


The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,


And He bends you with His might


That His arrows may go swift and far.


Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;


For even as He loves the arrow that flies,


So He loves also the bow that is stable.


  Kahlil Gibran


It is unfortunate that we have been colonized, and socialized to believe that life is only about accomplishment, making money, status and material goods.  And when we are dead and gone the only thing that matters truly is who you loved and who loved you.  Our children miss out on our time, energy and attention because we have to give ourselves to our work.  And now they die young because it doesn’t fit that going to school to get an education qualifies them for a satisfying future.  They see how miserable, stressed out and overweight we are.  Our lives do not demonstrate happiness or fulfillment.  Our children are here to remind us that we are not in alignment with our own integrity.  Yet, we want to teach them to respect and obey us, when we do not respect and obey our own life callings.


These are strong statements and I appreciate the challenge and resistance you may feel as you read them.  And I ask you to stay in the conversation.  Look deeply at your emotional and spiritual self.  Are you living from your heart?  Do you love from your heart?  Are you giving from your heart? If you are, then you know that our children have come to have us rise.  In the realm of spirit, we are all equal, each soul matters.  Neither our maturity, nor our authority need stand above that of our youth because of our age.  The Bible says, “And a child shall LEAD the way.”  It’s now our turn to learn what it means to surrender to a new way of living with our children as our guides.


I invite you to participate in my upcoming workshop – “The Tao of Parenting” where we explore ways to incorporate our children’s leadership into the family flow without bringing about too much disruption or menace.  They actually start teaching and directing us from the womb, so it is never too soon to start. 


Thank you for reading my blog.


Mu Shemsu-t


Tao of Parenting Workshop

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mekhaskhen House

5459 S. Drexel

Chicago, IL 60615

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Registration and Light Meal @ 6pm

Suggested donation $25.00 - All Are Welcome!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Myth of Being "Strong" By Mu Shemsu-t

Many of us are taught, through our experiences in life that being “strong” is the way to avoid being hurt or taken advantage of in life.  We pride ourselves in being self-sufficient, independent and self-reliant to such an extreme that we isolate ourselves from love, community and even our life dreams and missions.

I understand this phenomenon of being “strong”. Much of my life was been lived in this manner, because I hadn’t learned any other way to be.  I was raised in a household with all women who felt deprived of a man’s love and sheltered from how they thought they should be loved.  All of the complaining, bitching and moaning, saturated the receptive minds of the children who heard and remembered everything, even when they were not trying to listen.  As we got older we made silent vows to not grow up to be this type of woman.  We would never allow ourselves to be humiliated or denied our own needs at the whims of a man; or any other being for that matter.  So we got “strong”.

We have gotten so “strong” that we can’t allow someone else to assist us with our heavy loads.  We have gotten so ““strong”” that we don’t want to share our accomplishments, or our mission with anyone.  We have gotten so “strong” that even when we are feeling weak, we think that to cry on someone’s shoulder makes us too vulnerable; so we hide out in our own depression hoping to feel better sometime soon.

Emotionally and spiritually we have fallen short on what it takes to grow ourselves to the level of maturity required to be family, community or just neighbors.  Our fear of not being loved, not being wanted or not being good enough, snaps every thought we may have about connecting to another person as a source of support, or to uplift our spiritual and emotional well being.   We are “strong”.

We have gotten so “strong”, that our access to vulnerability is completely none existent.  We don’t have a clue about being vulnerable.  As women, this is very obvious in how we create our lives and then expect our man and our children to fit into what we have created.  The other option is to build together and see what shows up when every one is involved in the creation and building process.

Listen to yourself,  “I am independent, I don’t need a man or anyone else doing anything for me.”  And as true as that all is, there is very little joy present.  Life is more vibrant when you are sharing it with people that love you even when you don’t love yourself.  This is when you know that you truly are loved.  You can be just who you are, in all your authentic glory and laziness without judgments, putdowns or ridicule.

Accessing vulnerability is challenging because it requires you to stay grounded in your own self-esteem.  Being vulnerable isn’t about looking for praise or approval, it’s about having full expression of all that you are, as you grow and become the best version of you.  It shows up something like this: your house is dirty and you still allow company in without making excuses about how it looks; you let your friends know that you have gas, so please forgive your flatulence; you make a choice to only wear makeup on special occasions.  Do you see where this is going?

How real are you to yourself?  How real are you with others?  When you begin to observe your intentions without judging, you will gain access to a softness within yourself that is so pure and delightful you will look to remain there forever.  This also requires each of us to have room for those around us to be who they are without us criticizing, critiquing, accessing and evaluating everything that they are doing.

My inner child loves to play, laugh, giggle, pout, cry, dance, sing, be held, be adored and be missed.  I can’t say that I was allowed space as a child to explore these sides of myself and now I can.  Being vulnerable allows me to enjoy the surrender.  Someone else can fix it.  Or it doesn’t have to get fixed right now.  I don’t have to be perfect to love myself.  I can discover myself in a different light every single moment and still be in awe of what’s new.

I started this blog with the conversation that there is a myth to being “strong”.  The myth is, that being “strong” is how black women are supposed to be.  The myth is, we are like this so that we can be the backbone of our families, our communities and our nations.  The myth is, that if we sacrifice ourselves in this lifetime then we will be rewarded in heaven.

I invite you to a different perspective.  You are the most important person in your life.  “Self preservation is the FIRST LAW of nature.”  You do not kill yourself in order that someone else may live.  You access your vulnerability and form partnerships, create teams, ask for help, allow support, or just say “no”. 

It wasn’t until I was 35 yrs old that I realized being “strong” could be a weakness, just as being vulnerable can be strength.  This very insight allows me the freedom to be in life fully available and not having to pretend anything.  Am I capable?  I am extremely capable.  And yet, sometimes I choose to allow others to demonstrate how they are just as capable as I am.

When we operate at this level we don’t get sick.  We don’t stress ourselves.  People love being around us because our love flows joyously, even when we are creating humungous projects and opportunities. If you want to check out if you are caught up in the myth of being strong, see if you allow others in your life to support you.  The only true entity to be responsible for is the lightness of your own heart.  Let go my people and let God!  True strength knows how to surrender.  Be wise.

Mu Shemsu-t
June 27, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Wealth Factor

Habits of Mind

There are certain habitual ways of thinking that has each of us trapped in a fixed financial level that can only be altered by consistently reprogramming and reconditioning our subconscious mind.

Are you only comfortable when you have money?

Can you make plans prior to having the money to get your plans done?

Does money dictate the quality of food that you eat?

Would you say you have a poverty mentality or a wealth consciousness?

Do you hang out with people who are doing great things in life?

Do you go to work each day feeling tired and miserable?

Are you angry with someone because of a disagreement or misunderstanding about money?

Are you generous or are you stingy?

Would you consider yourself happy or sad?

The Energy of Money

We have heard it all before… like attracts like; you reap what you sow; you are the magnet.  So here is the truth about money – if you chase it, it runs.

Money is attracted to it’s own energy which is fluid, easy, abundant, useful, and cheerful (even though the presidents are dead).  So when you are down and out about being in debt, the only thing you can get more of is debt.  You have to create the energy of abundance, joy and generosity so that money can find you.

Then there is the law of reciprocity – what you give, you get back.  Are you a person that is able to receive a gift, a blessing, a compliment, a surprise, a reward, or anything for that matter?  So many of us act as though we don’t need anything from anybody.  We look to be big shots -- ballers.  The thought of asking someone for something even though we need it makes us feel small and unworthy.  Yet, the only way to receive is to have access to your own vulnerability.

Open to receive!  Allow your energy to be abundant, free and joyous no matter how much money you have or do not have – let your wealth flow!

Wealth Manifestation Meditation

It’s all about the vibration.  The thoughts you think create how you feel, how you feel, create your experiences.  So simple we miss it.

We actually allow ourselves to believe that worrying about money, debt and bills is the formula to making sure these issues get handled in life.  And, the only thing we are creating is more of the same.  How do we end this vicious cycle?  What can we do to change our vibration and attract the wealth we deserve to have freely flowing in our life?

There are several suggestions I am going to make to assist you with this process.  However keep in mind, this is the work you will have to do.  It is not a quick fix.  In order to reprogram the patterns in your thinking that have attracted the lack, debt and financial limitations you have created thus far, it’s going to take intentional effort.  How long it takes depends on your level of receptivity, participation and commitment.

30 Day Plan

1. Listen to my Wealth Manifestation CD for at least 30 days.

2. Write out how much money you need on a monthly basis to be financially secure. 

3. When your intuition prompts you with ideas and concepts -- act on them! 

4.  Write one of the wealth affirmations 10 times each night before you go to sleep

Wealth Affirmations

I feel good about all the money that I spend.

I listen to the wisdom of my heart.

I have abundance in every area of my life.

My prosperity prospers others.

Everyone’s success contributes to my success.

I send other’s thoughts of their increased prosperity.

I am financially independent and free.

All my money is working for me to increase abundance, joy and aliveness.

I choose to live an abundant life.

I value my time and energy.

Everything I give others honors and acknowledges their worth.

I serve others to the best of my ability in all that I say and do.

I give generously to myself.

My thoughts are loving and positive.

I am the source of my abundance.

 Wealth Materials 

  1. Wealth Manifestation Meditation CD by Mu Shemsu-t

  1. Let Your Wealth Flow eBook By Mu Shemu-t

  1. Money and The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks

  1. Creating Money by Sonaya Roman

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  1. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

  1. Creating Money Meditation CD by Walt Grenwald





Mu Shemsu-t

Transformation Life Coach
