Sunday, August 2, 2009

Those eViL pEoPle

Growing up in a household of females where each one of them had issues of self-esteem, money troubles, man problems and PMS, being the youngest, I received more than my share of grief and abuse. As a matter of fact in my twenties when I began doing work to heal my soul from the trauma of my childhood, every memory I had reminded me that no one loved me. I searched long and hard for just one clue that I was cared for, and it did not exist within my family circle. At the age of 28 I ran across a book by M. Scott Peck called, The People of The Lie: The Healing of Human Evil.

The People of The Lie, discussed the phenomenon of evil from the position of psychiatric medicine, since Dr. Peck himself was a psychotherapist by trade. He pointed out in his work that evil people have a tendency to be lazy by nature. They refuse to do anything that is outside of what they are already doing for themselves. The official definition he gives for evil is the “unwillingness to extent one’s Self for the benefit of another person”. Can you already see who the main victims are for evil people? Of course, it would be those who are unable to take care of themselves. In our society, that would be children, animals and some elderly persons.

Do you ever notice parents have children an make strong attempts to have them conform to their lifestyle, their plans, their agenda, and their thinking? Yet, as soon as the child is old enough to challenge these directions they become a burden (this usually happens around the age of 2). Many parents are unwilling to allow children to expand the parent’s capacity to nurture, love and serve. Usually parents don’t think about serving the child. If only we could see the honor attached to serving a young body, whose spirit has returned to Earth to continue on a mission they were unable to a complete during a previous lifetime. Imagine the love we would find in ourselves if we allowed our own hearts to expand in the exposure of new ideas, adventures and imaginary happenings. So we narrow our participation to work, discipline and providing for the material necessities in life.

Now I am not saying that parents should not be concerned with making sure the material comforts of living are provided. However, it has been my observation that we have been so consumed with our material existence, that we don’t bother with the spiritual and emotional nurturing of ourselves; and for sure not fpr our children. I find it somewhat a lost opportunity for bonding when young babies have to be put into childcare that is not the parent, grandparent or other loving family members. I have a concern about this because evil people tend to lurk around those who are easy to abuse and dominate. The only intention of evil people is to put the light out, damper the spirit of those that are too happy and joyful in life.

Dr. Peck says in his book, that evil people do not want to be shown their own darkness or the constricted places in their heart, therefore they work to dominate and control those individual’s whose light shine on their evil ways. And the only way we can assist individuals in this mindset is to love them. Imagine that, love is the healing anecdote for evil people. When I got to that part of the book I was able to realize that the evil encounters I had experienced in life had actually taught me how to love and be more loving. It took several more years before I was clear about how to love my Self. However, I have also been able to see that both evil and loving people are attracted to the light. So if you are a spiritually conscious person, be mindful that you will attract evil people and it may seem like they are trying to destroy you, and it isn’t personal. This is their way of being. They don’t know any other way to live their life; this is what they have been taught and what they currently know. So if you allow them the opportunity to be in your space and see how you operate, they actually have a chance to learn more about living spiritually.

Anytime a person tell me they believe in God, I can see the degree to which they operate in that belief by how they love and be loved by others. God, spiritual essence, is all about love and nothing else. So to be evil to someone because they were evil to you, is not a loving way to be, nor is it healthy for you. If you don’t have the capacity to be around such people I suggest that you stay clear away from them. As a matter of reference, studies have noted that negative people have far more influence on positive people than positive people have on negative people.

Before I end this blog, let me be responsible in saying that everyone that has a negative attitude or a negative disposition is not necessarily evil. There are clear factors that demonstrate evil tendencies – (1) Laziness (2) Unwillingness to extend one’s self for the benefit of another (3) Selfishness (4) Pretence – which is why they are called “people of the lie.”

If you are experiencing issues with evil in your own life let me suggest that you read The People of The Lie, and then send me an email so that I can assist you in processing this information for your own spiritual development. We are not here to change others we can only change ourselves. Subsequently, if we want to make a difference in the life of others, we are to be the example of love.

Thank you for reading my blog and I look forward to our expansion and an increase in our flow.


~~ Mu Shemsu-t

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