Friday, April 8, 2022

A Blast From the Past - Patiently Waiting For Nothing

A Blast From the Past - Patiently Waiting For Nothing: Speaking with Luther Douthard regarding a shared experience from our Senior year in High School.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"We Are Ascending" by Mu Shemsu-t

Yes, we are ascending. 

We are maturing as spiritual beings and finally seeking to take full responsibility for creating a life that we love, instead of being fed to live as the matrix would have us.  For those who have awakened, you are well aware of the areas in your life, that you deeply question and further research.  Those areas include, but are not limited to: 

1.     Religion – We no longer blindly follow the teachings of the church. Our appreciation of all spiritual knowledge is validated in the space of our heart and not just held as a belief.  It is our work to decipher, discern and dissect information to come to what resonates as the truth.  No longer do we follow the blind.

2.     Education – It is very clear to see that the education system in Western society has not changed for over 100 years.  Yet technology is newly updated every 6 months or so.  Our children are not taught how the mind and brain operate.  Instead they are programmed to believe what they are taught.  Now we know to question everything.  Most of it is a lie.

3.     Health Industry – Most awake people began to do so when they found out the body could be healed through natural means and primarily through healthy thoughts and powerful beliefs.  The Creator of the Universe has given us all medicine through the bountiful plants and herbs on the planet.

4.    Media – This is the largest programing device in our society.  Most people are told what to wear, what to think, what to eat, etc. by what they watch on television and read in the news.  It is a major part of dumbing down America.  When is the last time  you had an original idea?

5.  Social Engineering –This is the process being used to construct society in a way that makes it controllable and submissive to the powers that be.  If you are not clear that we have been a society that has been socially engineered then look around.  

6.  Food Production – Most foods being produced in the consumer industry has been genetically modified.  It has been demonstrated that these foods will severely affect the organic makeup of our DNA.  If you are still eating at McDonald’s and purchasing boxed, canned or highly processed foods, then you are in need of a major detox just to be able to think clearly.

7.     Politics – The writing is on the wall this year as we see the chaos of the political system battle for the election this year.  It has finally been demonstrated that the average American’s vote does not count.  Yet many people are still addicted to the machine.

8.    Entertainment/Sports – It is unfortunate that we condition our children at a very young age to be part of the “dream team”.  We addict them to the outside world without teaching them how to balance their power from the inside.  Now you see that the culture of men is totally dominated by the entertainment, sports and pornographic industry.  It’s quite challenging to seek spiritual fulfillment once you addicted have been ignited at such a young age.

Mechanisms to Support Your Ascension Process

      Breathing: The most powerful and magical tool we are each connected to, we tapped into it at birth.  We are speaking of your breath.  As a matter of fact, your breath is the determining factor in how healthy and vital you live your life, until you are no longer present in your current bodysuit.  When we are anchored in our bodies, it is usually because we are present to deeply breathing into our belly.  So you can say that the ascension process has to do with, how powerfully one is connected to their breath on a moment by moment basis.  This is especially true when we can channel our energy during chaotic and upsetting times.

     High Quality Nutrition: The best way to determine what to eat is to consider what has been touched by sunshine.  We are fed by the energy of the sun in order to fully energize the systems in our body.  Eating wholesome, organic, raw foods as the base of our nutrients will assist in keeping our bodies alkaline.  When you have an alkaline body, disease cannot live there.

     Clean Water:  It is extremely clear from the Flint Water Crisis that the water we drink from the faucet can be tampered with.  Subsequently the water you purchase from the store can also be just as polluted.  Drinking clean water is something to study and being mindful of all day long, for yourself and your family.

     Self-Healing: Our bodies are the vehicles we live in here on Earth, so that we are able to complete our mission.  When we become awake, we realize that our most important job is to keep our bodies healthy.  As we tune into the power of who we are, we then begin to investigate what it takes to have optimal health.  We have the capacity to heal ourselves and when we require support, nature has all that we need.

    Meditation:  Connecting with your inner guidance, and higher influences, is essential for you to gain sovereignty over your own existence. Meditation is the avenue to intimately attach to your inner-verse.  There is so much to learn about ourselves through meditation.  It is also the avenue to download the knowledge that is available to us from the cosmos.

Silence:  The sacredness of who we are can be discovered in our silence.It becomes imperative that we turn off our televisions and move away from outside influences as much as possible.  This also includes being in nature and communing with the Divinity of Earth. 

      Study:  Knowledge is power because it gives us access to higher knowing of god and the creative forces within us and within the Uni-Verse.  We cannot rely on society to provide us the knowledge that is essential for us to grow into highly evolved spiritual beings.  Therefore we must study and learn and grow and practice and study some more.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Winter Solstice 2015 - Authentic Power Regeneration

The Seasons Change with Purpose

The Winter Solstice
One of the greatest tricks you can play on a person, is to fool them with time and space. Unfortunately that subterfuge was played on the world when the ancient 13-month calendar (13 moons in the Universe) was changed to 12 months.  Up until that point, it was the practice of our ancestors to flow with the movement of the planets, stars and the galaxies.  The alignment of the soul was the first order of business when a child was born, thus the Natal Chart was quickly created.  
In present day, we have been conditioned to believe that astrology is as trivial as playing monopoly (it’s just play money).  Although this is a great subject to delve into, I just want to take one aspect of this material and give you an idea of how to use timing, meditation and the Uni-Verse, to establish synchronicity with your Soul.

Winter Solstice happens each year on December 21 – 24.  The Wikipedia provides the definition of the Solstice as an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.  Thus, the Summer Solstice is recognized June 21 – 24 each year. The dates are significant because it points to the time period when the sun it almost completely “still”. 

Stillness is the opportunity for us to take hold of our internal conditioning during this special time of the year.  Imagine if the Sun is still, then this means that the Universe is probably very quiet and deeply receptive.  And if that is the case, what a great time to communicate our intentions into this stillness.  

This is exactly what our ancestors did – Africans, Mayans, Indians – all of the ancients knew that if the Universe is slowing down, then we should also.  Now here is where it gets tricky.  You have been made to believe that Christmas is about you shopping and buying all the presents you have, (or don’t have). the money to buy. You are hustling and bustling, wearing your energy down without a clue about the vibration you are putting out into your spiritual vortex.

"Go In"
 Oh Wise Ones, may I suggest that we get back to the business of soul nurturing, so that we can at least maintain some balance as we co-exist in this world of duality.  It has been my practice for the pass 20 yrs to practice fasting, deep meditation, sleep, solitude (no television), and study during that four-day period.  Even when my children were younger we shared space together in this manner.  Think of it like a soul recalibration process where you are allowing yourself to tune into the higher aspects of your being.

At Master Force we have created a yearly teleconference to support you preparing for the Winter Solstice.  Visit our website and find out how you can participate in this year's event -  The Healing Arts Teleconference.  You may also listen to previous discussions on IGNITE YOUR SOUL CONNECTION.

It is always our intention to increase our spiritual aptitude, through the courses and information we offer via our online academy. I invite you to visit us and register your email so that we can update you on our events, courses, activities and articles – The Master Force.

Suggested Activities for the Upcoming Winter Solstice
Relax, Renew, Regenerate, Reveal

  1. Meditate with a group of like minded people, daily if possible. 
  2. Detox and or Fast from food, alcohol, etc to give your digestion a break
  3. Catch up on those heavy hitting books you have been meaning to read or listen to.
  4. Rest, sleep and nurture the energy of your mate/your family/your self.
  5. Practice silence and solitude (Classical music is great for this)
  6. Generate a creative project you can do alone (Write a book, poem, paint, etc,)
  7. Practice Yoga, QiGong or Tai Chi as well.

Thank you for reading my blogpost.
Mu Shemsu-t