Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Gift of Children

I turned 50 years old a year ago it was only then that one of my site mates on the Internet said that I sounded like I was an Indigo.  An Indigo, who, me? You may be asking, what is an Indigo? Indigo children is a concept developed by Nancy Anne Tappe describing children who are alleged to possess special traits or abilities.  I studied the literature regarding indigo children for the past five years in conjunction with the care and nurturing of my own children and the others around me looking to overstand what was unique and different about them.  For someone to tell me that I was an indigo was quite interesting.  When I started to examine my own characteristics I was amazed, surprised and quite delighted.  As a child I was always considered unusual.  For instance, some mornings when I would wake up, my grandmother would ask me what I dreamed about.  I would tell her whatever it was I dreamed about.  I came to find out later that she would use that information and pick a horse or play a number in the “policy”; often she would win.  As I think about it now, I stopped sharing my dreams with her when I decided that gambling was wrong. (Hmmm… This may explain why my relationship with my grandmother was in such turmoil when I was a teenager).


Indigo children came into my view about 10 years ago when I begin studying the methods by which they decided a child was ADD or ADHD.  It is appalling to me that we were using medication to change the mental and emotional state of children.  Some studies have proven that most of the behavior problems children face are caused by poor choices in nutrition.  Sugar, White Flour, MSG, Aspartame and Salt are a few of the main culprits that cause chemical changes in our children and grossly affect their mental and emotional behavior.  Most doctors have yet to study how nutrition affects the body, so their best guess is to give the child a pill to counter whatever psychosis they think is going on.  The truth is their pills create the psychosis; they don’t heal anything.


New Earth Children first arrived in 1978, twenty years after I got here.  I didn’t grow up knowing anything about love, acceptance, nurturing, self-esteem or even support.  Years later someone told me that I was taken care of by guardian angels so it wasn’t intended for me to have parents.  It was more important that I learned how to live boldly in an unsafe world so I could show others how to be free no matter what path of life they’re on.  I can see that quite clearly now.  As tragic as my life may have seemed as a child, I am amazed that if I had to choose a path to take I would still take the same road that got me here.


Children come as little gifts with messages from the Masters.  They came from the other side of life to share with us the secrets that we are missing as we look to accomplish our own life missions here on Earth.  New Earth Children have come to help us find peace, love and joy in our living.  All of the violence we are confronted with in our community is a direct reflection of our own belief in violence and how we spend time killing off life instead of creating it.  The young suicides are a direct communication that these young souls are not here to appease us and make nice.  They are here to be our teachers, our guides; they are here to provide instruction and direction to our wandering.  They are here to redirect our attention from the outside of ourselves back to the inside essence of spiritual journeying.  We have to remember to flow in their world and not try to condition them to ours.


On Children

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,

Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them,

But seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children


As living arrows are sent forth


The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,


And He bends you with His might


That His arrows may go swift and far.


Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;


For even as He loves the arrow that flies,


So He loves also the bow that is stable.


  Kahlil Gibran


It is unfortunate that we have been colonized, and socialized to believe that life is only about accomplishment, making money, status and material goods.  And when we are dead and gone the only thing that matters truly is who you loved and who loved you.  Our children miss out on our time, energy and attention because we have to give ourselves to our work.  And now they die young because it doesn’t fit that going to school to get an education qualifies them for a satisfying future.  They see how miserable, stressed out and overweight we are.  Our lives do not demonstrate happiness or fulfillment.  Our children are here to remind us that we are not in alignment with our own integrity.  Yet, we want to teach them to respect and obey us, when we do not respect and obey our own life callings.


These are strong statements and I appreciate the challenge and resistance you may feel as you read them.  And I ask you to stay in the conversation.  Look deeply at your emotional and spiritual self.  Are you living from your heart?  Do you love from your heart?  Are you giving from your heart? If you are, then you know that our children have come to have us rise.  In the realm of spirit, we are all equal, each soul matters.  Neither our maturity, nor our authority need stand above that of our youth because of our age.  The Bible says, “And a child shall LEAD the way.”  It’s now our turn to learn what it means to surrender to a new way of living with our children as our guides.


I invite you to participate in my upcoming workshop – “The Tao of Parenting” where we explore ways to incorporate our children’s leadership into the family flow without bringing about too much disruption or menace.  They actually start teaching and directing us from the womb, so it is never too soon to start. 


Thank you for reading my blog.


Mu Shemsu-t


Tao of Parenting Workshop

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mekhaskhen House

5459 S. Drexel

Chicago, IL 60615

6:30pm – 8:00pm

Registration and Light Meal @ 6pm

Suggested donation $25.00 - All Are Welcome!

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