Thursday, December 3, 2015

Winter Solstice 2015 - Authentic Power Regeneration

The Seasons Change with Purpose

The Winter Solstice
One of the greatest tricks you can play on a person, is to fool them with time and space. Unfortunately that subterfuge was played on the world when the ancient 13-month calendar (13 moons in the Universe) was changed to 12 months.  Up until that point, it was the practice of our ancestors to flow with the movement of the planets, stars and the galaxies.  The alignment of the soul was the first order of business when a child was born, thus the Natal Chart was quickly created.  
In present day, we have been conditioned to believe that astrology is as trivial as playing monopoly (it’s just play money).  Although this is a great subject to delve into, I just want to take one aspect of this material and give you an idea of how to use timing, meditation and the Uni-Verse, to establish synchronicity with your Soul.

Winter Solstice happens each year on December 21 – 24.  The Wikipedia provides the definition of the Solstice as an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.  Thus, the Summer Solstice is recognized June 21 – 24 each year. The dates are significant because it points to the time period when the sun it almost completely “still”. 

Stillness is the opportunity for us to take hold of our internal conditioning during this special time of the year.  Imagine if the Sun is still, then this means that the Universe is probably very quiet and deeply receptive.  And if that is the case, what a great time to communicate our intentions into this stillness.  

This is exactly what our ancestors did – Africans, Mayans, Indians – all of the ancients knew that if the Universe is slowing down, then we should also.  Now here is where it gets tricky.  You have been made to believe that Christmas is about you shopping and buying all the presents you have, (or don’t have). the money to buy. You are hustling and bustling, wearing your energy down without a clue about the vibration you are putting out into your spiritual vortex.

"Go In"
 Oh Wise Ones, may I suggest that we get back to the business of soul nurturing, so that we can at least maintain some balance as we co-exist in this world of duality.  It has been my practice for the pass 20 yrs to practice fasting, deep meditation, sleep, solitude (no television), and study during that four-day period.  Even when my children were younger we shared space together in this manner.  Think of it like a soul recalibration process where you are allowing yourself to tune into the higher aspects of your being.

At Master Force we have created a yearly teleconference to support you preparing for the Winter Solstice.  Visit our website and find out how you can participate in this year's event -  The Healing Arts Teleconference.  You may also listen to previous discussions on IGNITE YOUR SOUL CONNECTION.

It is always our intention to increase our spiritual aptitude, through the courses and information we offer via our online academy. I invite you to visit us and register your email so that we can update you on our events, courses, activities and articles – The Master Force.

Suggested Activities for the Upcoming Winter Solstice
Relax, Renew, Regenerate, Reveal

  1. Meditate with a group of like minded people, daily if possible. 
  2. Detox and or Fast from food, alcohol, etc to give your digestion a break
  3. Catch up on those heavy hitting books you have been meaning to read or listen to.
  4. Rest, sleep and nurture the energy of your mate/your family/your self.
  5. Practice silence and solitude (Classical music is great for this)
  6. Generate a creative project you can do alone (Write a book, poem, paint, etc,)
  7. Practice Yoga, QiGong or Tai Chi as well.

Thank you for reading my blogpost.
Mu Shemsu-t

Friday, November 27, 2015

You Are The Gift By Mu Shemsu-t

"You Were Divinely Made"

Everything in the Uni-Verse has arrived here with a purpose and reason to be where it is right in this very moment.  For many of us, we must remove the layers of programming that we have become accustomed to, in order to remember who we are and why we are here in the first place.

It has taken many of us several life times to get to this level of participation and to have the courage to awaken to the light that is emanating from within us.  We finally have gotten clear that we are safe and that we do not need anyone else's permission to live within our Divine Rights.  So if you are still questioning why you are here, remember this on a daily basis:

1. Your Miraculous Birth - Of all the eggs and sperm that it took to create you, take into account that the Uni-Verse was on the lookout for an opening for you to arrive on this planet.  Regardless of the circumstances, your parents, upbringing and etcetera, you are here NOW. It's all in Divine Order.  

2. You Survived - The challenges that you have lived through have been designed to have you arrive at the knowledge and personality that is required for the mission you came here to accomplish.  When it seemed as though things were really hard, this was to demonstrate the strength you had deep within to pull you through.

3. Your Wake Up Call - We have all been shaken to the point that we realize we have a chose in how our lives turn out. No longer do we believe that someone else has the power to take over our lives, unless of course we surrender that power to them.  Even if we temporarily fall back into our slumber, we cannot stay there long.  We are now wide awake and we refuse to go into a deep sleep again.

4. Your Skills and Talents - Each and everyone of us have certain unique skills that came with us from our past lives.  We have gathered the knowledge, talent, skill and courage to now complete all that is required for our well being and the successful outcome of our lifework.  Take time to go back into your childhood memories and reconnect to those things your loved to do, before you were taught that it was unacceptable.

5. Your Neighborhood -  We were all born in the place we were most needed to make a difference.  When you read the book, Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz, were find out that we created our life before we arrived.  Our parents, our race, our socio-economic life style, neighborhoods, etc. is a part of fulfilling on the lessons required to expand our soul.

6. Your Personality - All of the characteristics and idiosyncrasies that make up who we are is exactly the person we need to be to get our work done.  As we fine tune ourselves through our knowledge, experience and acquired wisdom, we will trust ourselves and our life with ease and grace.

7. Your Birth Date - You arrived at the perfect time and place.  Check out your Natal Chart or Destiny Card and see what you came here prepared to do.  The alignment of the planets and stars are in direct correlation to the energy flowing through you to have you win at your intention.  As you become aware and accepting of yourself, your natural power increases.

Now you can see that all of these elements of you, make you the GIFT.  You are the perfect individual right now, to answer the call for the life you have come here to lead.  If you are unclear on any of these point, check out our coaching team on for deeper insights.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Increase Your Child's Learning Power


When my oldest son was in the 7th grade, he came home from school one day and told me
that his teacher was a racist, and that he hated school.  It startled me to hear him speak in this way, because by him being born in Iowa, he was readily exposed to people of all nationalities, without polarizing them in one way or the other.  As I questioned him, I also realized that he was feeling stressed out and his self-esteem had dropped considerably.

Based on my own research and overstanding of how the mind works, I began to meditate on what the best course of action would be to bring him back to balance.  He had always been a great student and he loved learning new things. It was heartbreaking for me to hear this change arise in him.  After a couple of days in contemplative consideration, I created for him a meditation tape that he could listen to while he slept.

This was in the early 90's, so the technology that I had to contend with, was a boombox to record on and my stereo in the background to play the music.  On this 30 minute meditation  audio, I started out with a guided breathing exercise, then I presented a step-by-step relaxation process. By adding affirmations and visualizations to it, it comprised what we now at Master Force call, The MARV Technique.  I played this tape for him all night long as he slept.  By the end of the first week he was feeling much better.  His grades improved and his concerns regarding his teacher started to subside.   He went on to have achievement and completion in his High School career as well.

When his younger sister found out that her brother had a meditation playing at night, she  too wanted one. So of course I went out and purchased another boom box and made a copy of the recording I created for my son and played it for her each night also.

It wasn't until my daughter was 18, and graduating from High School that we found an old copy of this audiotape.  We played it as we packed to move from our current homestead.  She came into my room and said, "Mom, do you know I did everything in school that this tape outlined.  This is the help that children need today.  You really need to mass produce this."  Thus we created, "The Student Visualization for Academic Achievement."

This is now a downloadable audio system that only cost $4.99.  Most young people have their own technology and can listen to it as needed.  We have also created , "I am Jams" which is a Dance Track Version of the same affirmations on the Student Viz audio, which is only $1.99.  So for under $10 you can begin to support your student in generating an amazing academic experience for themselves. 

To order your downloadable copies of these audio files visit our website at  We look forward to your child having an amazing and productive school year.  Thank you.

Mu Shemsu-t is an Executive Life Coach and the Owner of Master Force.  She has certified over 100 Life Coaches in the Master Force Curriculum, which she began creating over 25 years ago.  She is also a published author and public speaker.