A friend of mine received a beautiful bouquet of roses the other night from a gentleman she was going out to dinner with. I had a nice glass vase for her to put the flowers in but it had been sitting for a while so there was residue of dirt, mud and dust on the bottom of it. As I began to run water into the vase to clean it, the dirt inside created mud. It took a few minutes before the glass container cleared up enough to complete the wash and then add fresh water for the roses. Have you ever attempted to put something into a full or even dirty cup, vessel or pot of some kind without cleaning it first? I’d like you to consider that many of us do this with our emotional energy all the time.
When you are seeking to add goodness to your life but you haven’t taken the time to completely heal from some damaged version of yourself, then the most that you can get is the mess mingled in with the fresh. When this happens we experience what many of us refer to as drama. This is particularly true in our relationships whether it’s with co-workers, family members and even our love mates. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
I had a client that really wanted to find his life partner. His biggest complaint was that women he dated were insecure, needy and possessive. So after a couple of coaching sessions I asked him if he had any of these qualities within himself. He resounded with a loud, “Not at all.” He then began to give me evidence of how successful his life had been in the creation of money, business, material possessions and his exotic lifestyle. When I asked him if he openly shared his business success with any of the women he had dated in the past, he said, “I don’t think they would be able to handle it.” And there in lies the “red flag”.
Many times the relationships we experience in our childhood with the adult members of our family tend to color the way we view the opposite sex. If our mothers were bossy, overbearing, needy or possessive with the father, then men tend to make up in their minds that women can’t be true partners. The same is true with women who grow up without fathers; they tend to make up that men will always leave. Both of these cases are held as truth in the hearts of the individuals so all they ever experience is the outcome of their beliefs.
Now just suppose we are able to create a paradigm shift which allows our parents to be in the perfect relationship they were in with their spouse regardless if they stayed together or not. Imagine that they subconsciously chose the partners they were with based on what they needed to experience for their spiritual growth? When we are able to observe where people are without drawing conclusions about “why” they are, this will give us more room to integrate the lessons of love that we are to learn from our childhood relationships.
For each of us to experience life in the present moment we must attempt to release old beliefs, patterns and thoughts that keep us from having what we desire. We have to empty the vessel so that the good stuff can get in. Otherwise, we tend to only attract the same people and situations over and over until we learn to integrate the love lessons that are strongly leading us to love unconditionally whether or not our parents have learned to do so or not.
Your first thought is probably, “that is easier said than done,” and I would definitely agree with you. However, when you begin the practice of examining yourself in light of outdated beliefs, thoughts and patterns you will get in touch with your true authentic self who is completely unlike anyone you have ever known. You will experience the joy of being someone exciting, different and creative without always insisting that what you are doing is “right”. Many people do the same thing over and over again to prove that what they are doing is the way it should be done, whether it is working for them or not. They are always looking to say, “See, I told you this would work.” And in the meantime, they have missed many amazing opportunities to grow, expand and contribute to a vibrant world that can only be experienced and not captured.
Breathe into your stomach then slowly exhale, now look to see what beliefs or patterns you are holding on to that are no longer serving you. Are you willing to let them go? Are you willing to experience the best version of yourself? Are you open to being in the flow of your highest good? When you make it a regular practice to “empty your vessel”, your life will become more meaningful and far more adventurous than you could have ever imagined. And when someone gives you roses you can put them in a clear glass vessel where their true beauty will be transparent to all.
Take a moment to view this presentation it will assist you in your efforts to empty.
~~ Love and Light