This topic will be written in three-parts.
“Where have you been? I have been searching for you for lifetimes. I finally found you. I had to slay dragons to find you, you know. And if anything happens, I will find you again.”
- Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner – Patricia Joudry
According to Eric Hughes in his blog "Inner Flame Astrology" he writes:
"The Age of Aquarius is not a mythical concept by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, the world is currently in the beginning stages of this exciting new period in human history."
And while this may be an exciting time, it is also a very trying time as many of us make strong attempts to balance ourselves inside the paradigm shifts that are showing up in how we relate to one another. It has been said that this is the time that many of us will find our Twin Flames. Are you ready?
This past year has been the greatest personal demonstration of the constraints and resistance I have to loving and being loved. Now after being broken (expanded) by that process here are a few things I learned that I would like to share with you. It is my intention that this information is both healing and nurturing to your soul as we prepare and awaken for our twin flame. Here are ten pointers that I believe will assist you in this process:
1. He/She is Our Mirror – It amazes me that I have been sharing this basic information with my clients for over 18 years now and finally it hit home the way an arrow would pierce your heart. You are always attracting yourself whether you are conscious of who you are of not. So when the person you are sharing time with begins to irritate you, this becomes the perfect time to take a deep look within yourself and notice how you choose not to accept yourself just as you are. The first sign that you have to “run” is your indication that you are avoiding doing the work that your soul is attempting to bring about inside of your current energy base.
An energy base is established when two individuals have sexual intercourse and their cells become intermingled with one another. This is what true marriage is in the radiation of life according to how the Uni-Verse witnesses our existence together. So when this energy base is formed everything begins to work for the growth and the progress of the union. However, what shows up first is the complete unloving nature that both individuals have come together to heal. What you are witnessing in your mate is yours to bless, heal, accept and bring to balance within yourself. Your partner is your mirror and the universe is showing you both your divinity and your devil.
2. Spiritual Sexuality – Let us examine a little deeper the “energy base” I alluded to in the above paragraph. Many of us have a great misconception about love and we believe that we can turn it off and on at will depending on whether we are happy or sad inside our relationships. When you have a sexual experience with someone you have tied your energy with them forever because your vibration has been changed when you added them to your cellular composition.

Spiritual sexuality is the overstanding that comes with knowing how your vibration is the sounding fork that sends your message into the world. It has been proven that time with your loved one heals your pain within 45 minutes of being in their presence. However, when you have multiple partners you have no way of being able to tap into this source because you have halted your connection by confusing the channels of distribution. You have energy pinging from one person to another without any solid means of providing or reaping benefits from either. Your life, and theirs, literally become a standstill.
If your words, actions and truths are not aligned with your deepest intentions then the universe will bring to light everything that compromises the integrity of the union.
Relationships that end in drama and anger are not over for either of the parties. Every union is about moving us closer to the love of ourselves and the truth of that reflection is in how we love others. A pure heart is only full of love; anger is the impetus to bring this to fruition.
3. Healing - Your relationships are designed to bring to light any issue that has not been resolved from your childhood. In the metaphysical community it has been observed that it takes approximately two (2) years for couples to successfully work through and heal the unsettled components of our relationships with our parents. When people flee relationships without taking time to understand their patterns, they can only repeat them with the next person.
If each of us would bring this understanding to the table we would operate with a greater sense of compassion, patience and tolerance for one another. When you leave your mate because you felt they were unloving toward you, you may want to examine how you are unloving to yourself. Consider that your partnership is all about you becoming the best version of yourself. The only responsibility you can take is that for yourself. Each of us must choose the path of healing for us to open and receive this gift from one another.
"When you accept and love the parts of yourself you want to reject or change, you create an opportunity to discover the positive force behind them." Leonard Laskow, Physician and Healer
[Next week: "Awaken to Your Twin Flame" - Part Two. We will embark on points 4 - 6.] 3. Healing - Your relationships are designed to bring to light any issue that has not been resolved from your childhood. In the metaphysical community it has been observed that it takes approximately two (2) years for couples to successfully work through and heal the unsettled components of our relationships with our parents. When people flee relationships without taking time to understand their patterns, they can only repeat them with the next person.
If each of us would bring this understanding to the table we would operate with a greater sense of compassion, patience and tolerance for one another. When you leave your mate because you felt they were unloving toward you, you may want to examine how you are unloving to yourself. Consider that your partnership is all about you becoming the best version of yourself. The only responsibility you can take is that for yourself. Each of us must choose the path of healing for us to open and receive this gift from one another.
"When you accept and love the parts of yourself you want to reject or change, you create an opportunity to discover the positive force behind them." Leonard Laskow, Physician and Healer

- St. Johns Wort Tea is a herbal infusion that will help to bring your energy up and relieve any feelings of sadness or depression. You can usually find it any place that you find healing teas and herbs.
- Bach Flower Remedies - Pine to deal with regret, resentment and forgiveness and Agrimony which relates to the ability to feel joyfulness and the enhance your ability to confront others. You can find these products at any health food store or online.
- Talk to someone that can be objective and listen for your need to release and expand.
- I highly recommend the book, "Spiritual Partnerships" by Gary Zukav
Thank you for reading my blog.
Rita Stewart/Mu Shemsu-t
Transformation Life Coach