It has been approximately 25 years now since I have taken a steady focus to affect the way we build and support one another in our community. It was in 1987 that I first heard an announcement on the radio that said, "By the year 2000, 70% of all African American males will either be incarcerated, on drugs, alcoholics or homosexual." Unbelievable . . . When I heard this I was completely alarmed and felt deep within my spirit that this was an attempt at propaganda to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. My immediate thought was to create a plan to counter this information. So I started in my community of men by investigating the path they were on; my main concern became my son, his father, my brother and my nephews. Yes, right there in my own circle of influence came reason for alarm and concern.
It only took a matter of months for me to move out of the residence I was sharing with my current mate because he was clearly on a path of addiction and he didn't want to surrender that appetite to mission work. My son was 10 at the time and I didn't feel the need to convince anyone to do anything they didn't want to do, so I moved on. Later that year we began having meditation sessions in our home on a weekly basis to directly impact the young men who were consistently hanging out with my son.
In a matter of a few weeks, young women wanted to participate, which meant they brought their parents along as well. Before long, we were having workshops, seminars and guest speakers right there in our townhouse in Schaumburg, IL. Thus, the birth of the "Master Force Movement".
It was just a few years ago that we began looking for ways to incorporate our curriculum into the public school system and discovered that most of the people in academia had very little use for right brain technology. The more research I came across the more I realized the purpose of mainstream education -- "keep the masses stupid and controllable." By design, standard education is left brain oriented and lacks any interest in the expansion of the right brain because this is the seat of genius and the field of FREE thinking.
Master Force, Inc., is now developing our own educational tools and products to encourage learning as a means to have students become self-actualized at a younger age. In doing this, we also realize we needed to support parents being able to create these same mental shifts within themselves. Therefore, we are introducing our first two products, one for students and one for parents:
The Student Visualization for Academic Achievement by Rita Stewart is available for purchase on Itunes. There are four unique attributes to this audio system that provide benefit to your student:
(1) Relaxation - Deep breathing and relaxation exercises take place at the beginning of the program to assist your student in releasing all incidents of stress they may have encountered throughout the school day.
(2) Mantra - A very distinct mantra is sung throughout the entire meditation which is designed to trigger the thought of greatness and accomplishment in the listener's mind.
(3) Visualization - Vignettes of cooperation in the classroom, completion of homework and projects and even a scene of graduation is demonstrated in this program.
(4) Affirmations - empowering students with words that create a arsenal of positive and motivational self-talk is crucial for this endeavor and we supply a load of it.
We recommend that you play this audio for at least 30 days right as your student is going to sleep at night or during times when they have a chance to rest, undisturbed, for at least 30 minutes. It has been scientifically proven that it takes approximately 21 days to change a habit; we use this methodology in our work as well.
Now for the parents.

There is a beautifully sung mantra in this program, along with affirmations designed to stimulate vibrations of wealth and abundance inside you. What you vibrate you ultimately attract. It is also recommended that you listen to this program for approximately 30 days to reprogram or redirect your thoughts. Sometimes the changes take a little longer to go into effect with adults because of the deeply rooted attachments we have to our personal believe systems about money.
You can purchase this program directly from our website: and we will immediately send you the link to the MP3.
You can anticipate receiving information about our complete line of educational products and online courses by signing up with us on
Thank you for reading this blog.
Rita C. Stewart/Mu Shemsu-t
Master Instructor
Master Force International Leadership Academy
Mu Shemsu-t is a Life Style Transformation Coach, Author of “Patiently Waiting for Nothing” and "Loving It All", Creator of “Wealth Manifestation Audio System”, "Student Visualization for Academic Achievement", “I am Jams” and the Founder of Master Force International Leadership Academy (Online 2010). Join her fan page on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube.