Recently I was reminded of how useful it has been to teach my children that they are always protected through my prayers and meditation. As parents we may not realize how important it is to affirm our children with this information, however this brief story may assist you in adopting a practice that I have used for over 25 years with my children.
Last month I chaperoned a group of students to North Carolina for a college tour. I was gone for about 7 days and my 14 year old son was in the care of his father. On Friday night of that week I was awakened from my sleep by the alarming ring of my cell phone. I didn't recognize the number but thought I needed to answer because it was 1:30am and possibly someone's emergency.
When I answered my son said to me, "Ma do you have Matt's mother's phone number?"
I was slightly taken aback, yet I responded calmly, "No, I don't have her number. Where are you calling me from?"
I could hear street cars in the background as he responded, "I'm on Bryn Mawr. They are suppose to pick me up but my phone died."
"When is the last time you spoke with them." I was working really hard to not be upset, as I focused on my breathing while looking diligently in my mind for a rescue option.
"I spoke to them before I left, but it takes an hour to get here from the south side."
"Who's phone are you calling me from." I asked finally realizing the unfamiliar number.
"This man standing with me on the train platform."
Okay, I am 800 miles away, my son is alone using a stranger's phone, and it's 1:3o in the morning. There was nothing I could do. I had one answer.
"Son, I can't help you."
He was quiet for a few seconds yet he remained calm realizing the dilemma we were both in. He softly said, "okay."
Before we ended the call I assured him that they were probably on the way to get him, having realized by now that his phone was dead.
After I hung up I took several more deep breaths and knew that all I could do was evoke God's protection. I went back to bed and quickly ignited the "golden light of protection meditation." I then went peacefully to sleep.
An hour later I was awakened again out of my sleep and this time the call was from my son's cell phone. When I answered he said, "Ma, I made it. I am safe."
I thanked him for the call and told him he did good. I then went peacefully back to sleep.
A couple of weeks later I was at his school for Report Card pickup and saw the parent that transported him that night from the train station. I gave her a big hug and thanked her for being on call.
She said, "He was a bit shaken up when we got there and I asked him where his mother was and he told me you were traveling."
Mrs. Saxx moved slightly closer as she made her next statement, "Then he told me that he was safe because you prayed for him and put a light of protection around him so that nothing bad could ever happen to him," lightly chuckling.
Although she was slightly amused by his remark, I could tell that she thought it was something truly profound for him to travel with that level of confidence in a city known to be fatally dangerous.
I stopped being defensive about my spiritual practices many, many years ago, so I didn't bother to elaborate on the effectiveness of this ritual. However, I did acknowledge her again as I smiled inside knowing that my son lived by a lesson I spoke to him when he was 8 years old:
"I may not be able to be with you most of the time, but remember that God is with you ALWAYS."
May we all place the "Golden Light of Protection" around our children and our communities.
~~Love and Light
Mu Shemsu-t
Golden Light of Protection