When I was 29 years old I had already completed a series of emotional recovery periods in my life and had come to the conclusion that many of us need serious assistance to get to a place in life where we can feel ourselves safe and on solid ground. After coming to this realization I begin to look around to see what was actually available to African-Americans who had come from my neck of the woods, which is the southside of Chicago, where statistically we were considered to be one of the most impoverished communities in the United States. When I observed that there was very little available to support people in their emotional and psychological recovery, I asked God to please show me how I can heal myself, inexpensively, and then demonstrate to others how they can do the same. In a very short period of time so much was revealed to me and much of it came through books. In this blog conversation I would like to share with you ways in which I have been able to heal some of the most damaging issues in my physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual energy fields. I am also mindful that I am still healing it’s just that now I have the tools, technology and methodology in place so I don’t have to work as hard as I did in the earlier years. I share this with you in the intention that you can use it for your own personal growth and development and then pass it on to others as you become proficient in the overstanding of healing processes in your own life.
The Methodologies
Study, Solitude and Prayer – The Universe has always responded to my request to know something or to reveal something to me through books – and now also, music, movies and videos. It has become a spiritual practice of mine to ask spirit each night before I go to sleep to, “tell me what it is I need to know right now.” This is a courageous approach and very strengthening because I had to work through whatever it was that was revealed to me whether I liked it or not. And most of the time I didn’t like it. However, on those days when I would walk into a bookstore and browse the spiritual/psychology/self-help section, the very book I needed to get through whatever I was going through would seem to “jump” right out at me.
This took me into long periods of reading, studying and prayer. In my world it didn’t do much good to read something if I didn’t use it or apply it to my living. So the prayer portion assisted me with the assimilation process. I learned to “Pray My Way Through It” (this is the title of a book by Dr. Joseph Murphy and it discusses the metaphysical truth behind the 23rd Psalms).
All Time Favorite Book Titles
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murpy – I read this the first time when I was 17 yrs old and recovering from a broken hip, thigh and knee.
- Your Inner Child of the Past by Dr. Hugh Vissildine – Read this when I was 23 and trying to figure out my neurotic behavior with men.
- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield – Read this when I was looking to find out how spirituality was different from going to church every Sunday.
- Heal Your Body by Louise Hay – Read this when I was recovery from a bought with Cancer in my late 20’s.
- Magical Mind, Magical Body by Deepak Chopra – Read this in my late 20’s as well when I began looking for the connection between spiritual/emotional health and our physical well-being.
MARV Technique™ – When I begin to look for ways to share spiritual truth with my children, my then 15 yr old son and I were able to develop a curriculum that enabled me to take the information that I had learned and applied to my own life, to a level of sharing it with younger people so they could engage in the “enlightenment” process a lot sooner than I did.
MARV is the acronym for Meditation, Affirmation, Relaxation and Visualization. We created a process whereby we assisted our young people in creating goals for their future that spanned from 3 months to 5 yrs. We then developed the affirmations and visualizations associated with these goals and taught them relaxation and breathing techniques that allowed them to learn how to send energy through their physical body into ether. It was a phenomenal 2 yr process that we did this. We would meet once a week in my home for a couple of hours with teen-agers and their parents all over the living room, dining room and staircase, all meditating together being guided with the sound of my voice.
And now, almost 20 yrs later we see the outcome and have now created it as a system that we can use and share with all young people through our Student Visualization Audio Systems by Mu Shemsu-t.
Landmark Education Corporation – By the time we discovered Landmark Education Corporation, I had read so many self-help books and attended so many workshops and seminars to change myself that I had my doubts about doing yet another course. However, the Landmark Forum gave me access to know how to connect all the dots. I was able to see how my thoughts from the past were blocking my relationships with God, my family and with myself.
In these courses I have also learned to appreciate the ongoing processes of growth and development. There is no need to fix anything about me; it has become a journey of self-discovery and refinement. I highly recommend everyone to complete the Curriculum for Living offered through this company. I had each one of my children attend the Landmark Forum when they were in their early teens and I was able to let go of parenting and move on into the direction of sharing my own gifts and talents with life. Yes, it really is that valuable of a course. For more information go to www.landmarkeducation.com.
Nutrition, Herbs and Exercise – The process that I went through to heal my body when they found a dark spot on my uterus and wanted to operate, was the beginning for me getting serious about the management and maintenance of my health. At the time I was able to convince the doctor to allow me 6 weeks to heal myself before they did the surgery, he was reluctant, and I was quite persuasive.
I went on a complete raw diet and protein shakes for that 6-week period of time. I kept to my daily 4-mile jog at 5:30 in morning as well. I used the Louise Hay book to identity the emotional and psychological ramifications of my illness, and then recited the affirmations until the core of my being believed what I was saying. I used the MARV technique to quiet my mind and emotions. The visualization process was instrumental in helping me to create and see the desired outcome. By the time I went in for the surgery they didn’t find anything.
These are the basic tools there are so many others that we incorporate such as Chinese Medicine, Homeopathic Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies and Yoga. I no longer jog, however I do walk at least 2 miles 3 – 4 days a week. I can’t say enough about how fortunate we are to have access to so much information and at a time when it’s so crucial to our daily well-being. In our household we don’t have a conversation about health care insurance because we provide our own health care and preventative measures on a day-to-day basis. We have also noticed the trend that for those that have insurance and health benefits the doctors are always finding something wrong or something that requires surgery right now. I have observed the healing capabilities of the body and I know that God has already given us the Divine hookup. We have to stop being lazy and ignorant about taking care of our temple.
For those of you interested in receiving regular information about maintaining optimal health through the regulation of your spiritual and emotional well being, sign up for our newsletter, “In the Flow with Mu Shemsu-t” at www.mushemsut.com. You can purchase books, cds and our online courses from this website as well.
May you become a vessel of love and inspiration your God intended you to be!
Thank you for reading my blog.
Love, Peace, Joy and Light!
~~ Mu Shemsu-t